Thursday, April 22, 2010

Coached Athletes

The 2010 Racing Season is underway! Good luck to the following coached athletes:

Jesse Robinson-- Buffalo Springs 70.3, Ironman Cozumel
Sarah Gray-- Sprint and Olympic Triathlons
Holly Mishoe-- Category 2 Road Cyclist
Raul Luzardo-- Triathlons, racing Buffalo Springs and Ironman Cozumel
Sheri O'Keefe-- Triathlons, racing NOLA and Ironman Cozumel
Adam Currier-- Sprint and Olympic Triathlons
Allison Eden-- Sprint and Olympic Triathlons
Mick Long-- Charlevoix Marathon, running races
James Engle--Road Racing, Mountain Bike Racing, and Cyclocross
Ana Lemus-- Triathlons, Lonestar 70.3 and Ironman Cozumel
Jorge Lemus-- Sprint and Oly Triathlons, Half Marathon
Kim Bradley-- Sprint Triathlons
Leslie Dupuy-- Triathlons, racing Ironman Florida
Derek McCoy-- Sprint Triathlons
Cassandra Mays-- Sprint and Olympic Triathlons
Lori Culberson-- Triathlons, Lonestar 70.3 and Ironman Cozumel
Graham Schooley--Houston Marathon, Triathlons, Ironman Arizona
Lisa Jaster-- Houston Maraton, NOLA 70.3, Racine 70.3
Celina Vassilakis-- running races
Mindy Reich-- Sprint and Olympic Triathlons
Dr. Sam Faysal-- Sprint Triathlons
Dana Hext--Sprint Triathlons
George Leppert-- New York City Marathon to qualify for Boston
Robert Nelson-- Sprint Triathlons
Jacob Jones-- Half and Full Marathon
Suz White--Sprint and Olympic Triathlons
Kelly Foust--Sprint and Olympic Triathlons
Kelley Golden-- Sprint and Olympic Triathlons
Krista Ripley--CB&I Triathlon
Beth Thomas--CB&I Triathlon
Bonnie Guajardo--Sprint Triathlons

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It's funny that Ironman Cozumel is now up in my schedule!! Remember we weren't even sure I was going to make it through the 70.3 training due to my knee? How long ago was this, that I did not want to say a word about Cozumel...... !!!

What a team! Michelle, you are awesome! Thanks for taking such good care of me (and my knees)....