Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Mineral Wells Time Trials

WCCRT Cat 4 TTT at Mineral Wells

Three OutRival Racing athletes competed at the Mineral Wells Individual and Team Time Trials last weekend.  The same 39K course was used for both the ITT and TTTs, and included over 1000 feet of elevation change!  Cat 4 Cyclists James Engle and Michelle LeBlanc as well as Cat 3 Cyclist Nathan Winklemann raced on the Woodlands Cycling Club Race Team at these events.  It was a very windy weekend of racing!

Nathan Winkelmann finished second overall in the Cat 3 Men's Division with a finishing time of 55:50, or 25.8mph!  Michelle LeBlanc finished first in the Open Women's Category in a time of 58:30, or 24.6mph.  James Engle was rocking the ITT, but got a flat tire at around mile 18. Ugh!

Nathan Winkelmann raced on the WCCRT men's Pro 1-2-3 team along with Woodlands Cycling Club Race Team Members John Scott Wilmeth, Eric Pendland, and John Hertel.  They finished first overall in a time of 52 minutes and change. That's over 27mph!  James Engle raced on the WCCRT Cat 4 Team along with Lee Allen, Hirem Bruno, and Josefat Jaime.  They finished second overall in the Cat 4 Category.

Next up for these cyclists is the Texas State ITT and TTT Championship at the end of July. Way to race cyclists!

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