Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Chris Gause is an IRONMAN

Chris Gause had a dream--to swim 2.4 miles, bike 112 and follow it all up with 26.2 miles of running.  She, like many of us, dreamed of hearing her name announced at the end of the day as: "Chris Gause, you are an IRONMAN." On November 5th, 2011 that dream made its way to reality as Chris became the first female competitor in the 70-74 age group to ever complete Ironman Florida in Panama City Beach!  Chris entered the water at 7am on a chilly morning and was out in 1hr 44 minutes.  The bike segment saw consistent headwinds and gusts of up to 30 mph for the first 55 miles, but Chris managed to complete the bike in 8:01.  With almost perfectly even splits, Chris ran a 6:36 marathon to cross the finish line in 16:45.   Along with winning her age group, Chris qualified to race the Ironman World Championship in Kona, Hawaii on October 13, 2012!  Please join us in congratulating Chris Gause on this amazing accomplishment.

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