Monday, October 10, 2011

Dallas Toyoto Open: Grace, Sarah, and Jason

Three OutRival Racing Team members had awesome races at the Toyoto Open in Dallas last weekend.  This raced serves as the Championship to the Lifetime Fitness Series, and therefore brings out the best Olympic-level triathletes in the world.  Grace Benes, Jason Hradecky, and Coach Sarah Gray all had great races!
Grace Benes finished first in the 25-29 Age Group!  She had one of the fastest female swims of the today with a 20:30 for the 1.5K swim.  She biked the very hilly 40K bike in 1:16, and ran the 10K hilly run in 42:11 (a PR for her!). Overall finishing time was 2:24:21.
Sarah Gray raced in the professional division and finished 17th overall female for the day in this competitive field. Sarah swam 22:21, biked 1:07:54 (21.9 mph), and ran 39:31 (6:22 min/mile pace).  Sarah finished in 2:12:07.
Jason Hradecky finished his first-ever Olympic Triathlon with a 3:09:12 finish! He swam in 35:19, biked 1:24:41, and ran 1:02:05! Way to go Jason!
Congrats ORR Athletes!

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