Thursday, December 15, 2011

Woodie Zachry at the Dallas White Rock Marathon

Congrats to Woodie Zachry for a big marathon PR at the Dallas White Rock Marathon. Despite cold and rainy conditions, Woodie was able to run a 19-minute personal best in 3:50:58. Way to run, Woodie!!!!  Below is an excerpt from Woodie's awesome race report:
"...The lake portion was brutal; too much wind, relentless rain. Eight miles after I felt on top of the world at mile 13.1, reality set in that I was cold and tired. The wall. Was this what everyone talked about? I had never felt this miserable on a run. I had hydrated and used nutrition at regular intervals, but felt tired.  My body probably needed more fuel to keep warm on top of run. As I grabbed a chocolate goo pack, I realized I was focusing on negative thoughts – cold, tight muscles, fatigue. So much of running is mental, and fear and doubt are killers. I rummaged through memories and began thinking of my happiest moments: My first date with my wife, our wedding day, my son medaling in Tae kwon Do, my son defining honor from the back seat of the car as we drove to dinner, my sons wanting to train like Dad to become Ironkids – so many positive thoughts. Though the next three miles were the hardest, but my body found a groove. Mile 24 I had a second wind. I took in the crowd and fed off the energy, The last quarter mile I sprinted. Crossing the finish line, I grabbed a thermal wrap and walked for the first time in about 4 hours. I checked my watch – 3:50:58. I had just shaved 19 minutes off my personal best. Over congratulations and a beer in the runner warm up area I had a funny thought that made me smile. In six weeks at Chevron I will run 3:40, and in May, God willing, I will be an Ironman.  Thanks Karen, I have completely bought into this now."

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