Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Clear Lake Triathlons

Congrats to several ORR athletes who raced the Clear Lake International (Olympic) and Sprint Triathlons this last weekend.  The Olympic race was reportedly a little long on both the bike and run splits and was obviously extremely hot!

Bradley Pigage finished third overall in the elite wave among some tough competition.  He swam 22:55 for 1.5K, biked 24.8 mph for the long bike, and ran 6:31 min/mile pace. Overall time was 2:12:30.
Matt Horak swam 37:07, biked 1:26, and ran 12:35 min/mile pace. 3:25:51 overall finishing time.
Allison Eden finished second in the Sprint distance 15-19AG. She swam 12:09, biked 17.2 mph, and ran 8: 36 min/mile pace. Allison had the fastest bike split in her AG!
Brandon Pounds won the competitive 25-29AG in the Sprint distance triathlon. Unfortunately he lost his chip in the swim, so there are no splits for him. He must have been speedy though since he finished in 1:06:14, winning his AG by almost 4 minutes!
Shannon Butkus also had a great Sprint race finishing in 8th in her AG with a time of 1:27:36. She swam 13:58, biked almost 17 mph and ran 10:23 min/mile pace.
Way to go Team!

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