Friday, April 29, 2011

Jill Mills at The Boston Marathon!

Outrival Racing athlete Jill Mills qualified for the Boston Marathon last year.  Even though she is racing Ironman Texas, there was no way she was going to miss out on the experience.  Jill was able to enjoy the race while running aerobically so as to not risk getting injured 6 weeks before the Ironman.  She ran a solid 4:14!  In the picture below you can see Jill waving.  (She is wearing a yellow top.)

Here is what Jill had to say about the race:  "Boston is a race like no other. Crowds four and five people deep most of the way, in addition to one of the most beautiful courses I've ever run. It was a picture perfect running day - sunny and 45 degrees at the start with a tail wind that lifted you along the entire straight line course. It was definitely worth the time and effort to qualify. Loved being able to really enjoy it in HR zone 2!! Best part of the adventure was sharing it with my daughter Bailey!!"

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